low back track
low back track
low back pain
Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most prevalent medical complaints, affecting nearly every American at some point in his or her lifetime. At any given time, it is .A Patient's Guide to Low Back Pain (Overview) The lower portion of the spine is called the lumbar spine. It is usually made up of five vertebrae, however, some .What is low back pain? Low back pain can range from mild, dull, annoying pain, to persistent, severe, disabling pain in the lower back. Pain in the lower back .What causes low back pain? Causes of low back pain include: Overuse, strain, or injury. Aging. Herniated disc. Arthritis .Nonsurgical Treatments for Lower Back Pain Apply ice then heat if necessary. If you've had an injury (an acute event) or new pain, first try ice to reduce the .What causes low back pain? Overuse, strenuous activity, or improper use (such as repetitive or heavy lifting, exposure to vibration for prolonged periods of time) .The objective of the No...